Press Release

Appreciation Floods in for Marilyn M. Carr’s The Miraculous Power of Prayer
The book is all about aligning daily actions with Christ’s teachings after understanding the Gospel of Grace in prayer. People can’t have enough of it.
Victoria Street; London:
‘The Miraculous Power of Prayer’ is written by Marilyn M. Carr. It explores profound questions such as: How did this happen to me? Why are my prayers not being answered? The book has proved to be a lot of people’s companion on a spiritual journey of God’s answers to prayer.
“Commonly, believers believe God is not answering their prayers. However, you will discover that God has already answered them through this book,” read one of the reviews.
Readers cannot help but urge others to read The Miraculous Power of Prayer. According to the reviews, readers have been actively pouring in feedback about the relationship you will develop with God in a way you have never known.
“You will learn to find peace and contentment even during the toughest times and have an understanding that everything and everyone has a purpose, including YOU!” one of the readers provided us with the feedback,
Everyone, every day, experiences troubles, trials, temptations, and extraordinary situations. And Marilyn M. Carr desires to teach everyone how to pray with assurance, boldness, confidence, and patience. She urges everyone to read her book and take action.
The book holds great scriptures and explanations for them, such as, “For if, by the trespass of the one man [Adam], death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” [Romans 5:17]
Praise God for the beautiful gift of righteousness that He has given us! Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to atone for our sins so that they would not be held against us. Our sins make us “unrighteous” in God’s eyes, but Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins, making us righteous in God’s sight. The “GIFT” of righteousness has been given to you by Jesus Christ, my friend.” [An extract from Marilyn M. Carr’s Book]
“People need to know that they have the Gift of Grace if they have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This gift is given through faith, not of yourselves. The Bible says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. This is what allows me to come first boldly to the throne of grace.” – Marilyn M. Carr.
About the Author:
Dr. Marilyn M. Carr is the founder and chairperson of Marilyn M. Carr Ministries and Marilyn M. Carr and Associates, LLC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a prolific speaker, a private and public school teacher and administrator, and an ordained minister of the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana.
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Phone Number: (610) 635-94000
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